31 Mar

I began the winter with a completely new training environment, joining the UON Triathlon Performance Squad. One significant change from my usual routine was the increase in running mileage, which seemed to have a positive impact on my performance. Until January, everything was progressing well, with steady improvements across all three disciplines.

My first race of the year was the BUCS XC. Going into it, I had no previous experience in BUCS running competitions, therefore was uncertain about the competition's quality, as well as my own form and fitness at the time. The course was relatively hilly, which typically wouldn't favor me due to my slightly heavier build. I have however been implementing lots of hill reps for strength in running throughout the winter, and so surprised myself as I managed to get a decent result finishing 14th in the A race in a strong field. 

However, things took a turn for the worse running-wise after the BUCS event. Just days later, I developed a stress fracture response, leading to no running for nearly a month. This was particularly frustrating, given that I knew my running was in good form prior to the injury.  I therefore had to withdraw from my first race of the season, ETU Cup Quateria, which I had been looking forward to as an opportunity to redeem myself from last year's disappointing performance due to catching a virus before the race. Fortunately, by early March, the results of my MRI scan came up all clear, allowing me to slowly start running again with walk-run sessions.

Since then, my run has nicely progressed and hopefully, if all goes to plan I should be back to proper sessions this week. Next Sunday, I'm going to Spain for a two-week training camp with the Nottingham squad, which nicely leads into my first triathlon race of the season: the British Triathlon Performance Assessments. While I understand that my run will still not be back to full fitness, I still hope for a half-decent result and to see some nice improvements in the bike and swim.

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